RF15-I Soft/Hard Solar X-ray Photometer |
This page is aimed at providing direct access to the data collected by RF15-I solar X-ray photometer. The photometer has been developed by Czech, Polish and Russian scientists and placed aboard INTERBALL-Tail satellite in August 1995. This unique instrument allows for obtaining high-time resolution measurements of solar X-ray emission in the energy range 2-240 keV |
RF15-I CONSORTIUM P.I. Janusz Sylwester Co-Is: Marek Siarkowski, Zbigniew Kordylewski, Szymon Gburek, Frantisek Farnik, Oleg Likin. |
If you have any comments and questions, please send an e-mail. |
Space Research Centre, Solar Physics Division, Polish Academy of SciencesPage created by Szymon Gburek 07 12 98. Lastly updated 02 10 2000.