Structures in Vicinity of Sunspots as Seen on Deconvolved SXT Images
B. Sylwester and J. Sylwester
We have studied the coronal X-ray structures above the large sunspot groups related to NOAA 7220 and 7222 seen near the disc centre on 11 and 12 July 1992. The main source of information consists of X-ray images obtained by SXT on Yohkoh. In order to increase the spatial resolution on the X-ray images we have used the ANDRIL deconvolution algorithm developed in Wroclaw. The deconvolved images have been overlaid with the high resolution magnetograms and white light pictures taken at corresponding times.

Structures.ps.gz (51k)

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Page created by Jaroslaw Bakala ( jb@cbk.pan.wroc.pl)
Web Curator: Janusz Sylwester ( js@cbk.pan.wroc.pl)