SphinX calibration program BESSY and XACT

S. Gburek

Space Research Centre PAS, Solar Physics Division, Wroclaw, Poland

SphinX spectrometer is going to be fully calibrated before the launch. The first extensive test of the instrument characteristics will be performed using BESSY synchrotron source (Berlin). These tests will reveal the actual instrument's resolution and effective area. The absolute calibration accuracy against the synchrotron beam is expected to be better than 5%. The second part of the calibration will take place at Palermo University (XACT facility) in order to extend the BESSY calibrations. A high output X-ray source with precisely controlled and monitored flux will be used there. In addition a test of the SphinX fluorescence blocks will be made in order to check the instrument in-flight calibration capabilities. Calibration setups and expected results of these calibration programs will be discussed in details.

presentation   (18.8 MB)