Top left: GOES 1-8 A channel flux (black curve) and temperature Tgb(red). The colored dots on the 1-8 A curve represent times of Aca measured from BCS spectra (blue for earlier times, yellow and red later times). Top right: Flare locations in N-S direction (from comparison of BCS and GOES irradiances; the measurements have a north-south ambiguity) and E-W direction (west is positive: from displacement of BCS channel 1 spectra). Lower left: The diagnostic diagram i.e. the plot of Tgb against 0.5*log(EMgb) from GOES irradiances, with colored dots showing the times of BCS observations. Dotted and dashed lines represent two extreme cases of heating behaviour namely when the flare heating is abruptly switched off (dotted) and when the heating decreases gradually along the steady state line (for details see Jakimiec J., Sylwester B., Sylwester J., et al. 1992, A&A 253, 269). Bottom right: Time plot of measured calcium abundances Aca (error bars represent statistical uncertainties in photon count rates). The colored lines are the best linear fits to the trends for individual time segments. Mean values of Aca for these segments are given in colors corresponding to best-fit lines.