The file SphinX_level_1_event_catalog.txt contains description of parameters for event identified in SphinX level-1 data. Each record contains the following fields separated by a coma - event id - id number of the event - t_start - event start time - t_start_flag - flag for start time - t_peak - event peak time - t_peak_flag - flag for peak time - t_end - event end time - t_end_flag - flag for end time - maximum_rate - log10 of maximum countrate for the event - maximum_rate_flag - flag for maximum countrate - event_flag - flag for the entire event If there are missing values '-' string is used with leading and trailing whitespaces. Flags t_start_flag, t_peak_flag, t_end_flag, maximum_rate_flag describe only properties of fields t_start, t_peak, t_end, maximum_rate respectively. For instance if t_start_flag has A value then t_start time is uncertain. Flag event_flag describes properties of entire event. If this flag is set to B value the entire event is uncertain.