SphinX Level-1 FITS Files, Software and Calibration Information

General guidelines for SphinX users can be found in Sphinx User Guide.
This site also makes available a few IDL routines that can be used to: For trial runs it is recommended to copy from this site all the programs and FITS files to working directory.

SphinX FITS files

Description of SphinX event FITS file format
The Proposed Timing FITS File Format for High Energy Astrophysics Data
Description of SphinX DRM FITS file format
SphinX level-1 FLAG description
SphinX: The Solar Photometer in X-Rays, Gbubek et al., 2013

To download files right click a link and chose "Save As..." or "Save link as..." option from context menu.

SphinX IDL software routines

sphinx_select.pro - IDL routine for filtration of SphinX event lists
sphinx_lightcurve.pro - IDL routine for generating X-ray lightcurves from SphinX event lists
sphinx_spectrum.pro - IDL routine for generating X-ray spectra from SphinX event lists

Examples of use

sphinx_test_lc.pro - sample IDL program that reads the SphinX event FITS file and plots lightcurves
sphinx_test_spectrum.pro - sample IDL program that reads the SphinX event FITS file and plots spectra

SphinX data files used by sphinx_test_lc.pro and sphinx_test_spectrum.pro.
These files need to be present in working directory together with all IDL routines linked above

SPHINX_090704_044307_095331_evn_D1_L1.fts - Sample SphinX event FITS file
SPHINX_RSP_256_nom_D1.fts - SphinX detector response matrix FITS file


The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Commission's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013)
under the grant agreement SOTERIA (project n° 218816, www.soteria-space.eu).

Page created by Szymon Gburek, January 05, 2010